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Top End Local Food Challenge

12AM SEP 14 - 12AM SEP 21, 2020

Top End, Northern Territory

The Top End Local Food Challenge celebrates the abundance of food that grows in our own backyard! This September, join COOLmob and GULP NT in challenging yourself to make the switch to eating local. Not only is it good for the planet but you will also be supporting local farmers and food producers AND eating a lot more healthily. *Local food will be defined as "Top End' so from below Katherine to Tiwi Islands- but as local as possible encouraged.

The Challenge...

  • Bite size: Incorporating at least one local food ingredient into at least one meal every day for the week
  • Meal size: One meal every day for the week made with mostly locally grown or produced ingredients
  • Fresh foods: Sourcing all your fresh food (fruit and veg and meats) for the entire week locally
  • Survival style: Every single food and ingredient you eat for the week is 100% local including salt and oil

What happens when I sign up? 

  1. Sign up on the right for FREE as an individual, organisation, business, school, whatever! 
  2. You'll receive an email from us, directing you to our Top End Local Food Challenge Project page, where you can find more information
  3. We'll keep in touch in the lead up and during the challenge with more information, events, tips, videos, 

Where can I find more information? 

Visit our Top End Local Food Challenge page! You'll find:

  • Workshops and events for the challenge 
  • Lists of where to shop locally 
  • Resources on planting and harvesting calendars suited to Darwin 
  • Tips and recipes on what you can eat during the week 
  • Downloadable kit to host a local food potluck dinner with friends 
  • Info on how to share you journey - both prep and challenge! We'd love to see videos, blogs and photos on Facebook and Instagram! Tag us @coolmobnt, @gulpnt and @tasteofthetopend #TopEndLocalFoodChallenge

How is this benefiting our community? 

  • Encourage the community to source more of their diet from local producers in the "Top End'' - Katherine to the Tiwi Islands
  • Highlighting the issue of food miles - most foods in Top End supermarkets come from at least 3000km away
  • Building community support for more sustainable and fairer food systems
  • Supporting local farmers and food producers
  • Connecting people to place and community
  • An opportunity to educate Territorians about the need for local food security

See you on Facebook and Instagram

 We can't wait to see how we all go! 

By signing onto this challenge, both COOLmob and GULP NT will receive your details. You can unsubscribe at any time. 

Top End, Northern Territory
Lou De Mattia ·
Shruti Tank Dianne Koser Mandy Trueman Emily Nagy Fiona Woolley Georgia Tranthem Josh Wyndham-Kidd Claire Spicer Miriam Scapin Nandini Pillai Becky Spain