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Gross Emissions, Net Emissions, Net Zero, Carbon Neutral, Carbon Negative.... what is the difference?


In the context of sustainability and emissions reporting, it's important to understand key terms in the industry:

  • Gross emissions: the total amount of greenhouse gases a business produces without accounting for any offsets or reductions.
  • Net Emissions: The amount of greenhouse gases remaining after subtracting offsets, such as carbon credits or sequestration efforts, from gross emissions.
  • Net Zero: balancing these emissions by reducing them as much as possible and offsetting the remainder through carbon credits or other mechanisms, achieving no net impact on the climate.
  • Carbon Neutral is similar to Net Zero but may focus more on offsetting emissions rather than deep reductions, often as an interim step.
  • Carbon Negative goes further by removing more greenhouse gases from the atmosphere than the business produces, actively contributing to reversing climate change. Understanding these terms helps NT businesses set clear sustainability goals and align with upcoming reporting requirements