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Op-shops & second hand stores


There are a variety of Op Shops in Darwin, providing second hand furniture, clothing, and other reusable products.

Uniting Church Op Shop (and Frillies cafe on Saturday mornings)

Rapid Creek – 21 Cummins St (8985 2658)

Australian Red Cross Shops

Malak Store: 84 Malak Crescent, Malak

08 8920 3711

Palmerston Store: 32 Essington Ave, Palmerston

08 8932 6790

Salvation Army Stores

Stuart Park: 45 Stuart Hwy

08 8981 0993

Winnellie: 458 Start Hwy

08 8947 3421

Nightcliff: 48 Progress Dr

08 8948 4880

Palmerston: C1/17 University Ave

08 8932 2841

Anglicare op-shop and warehouse

Ludmilla: 5 Nemarluk Drive

08 8985 0007

Rapid Creek: Cnr Sabine & Trower Roads

08 8985 2109

The Smith Family

1/6 Pavonia Place, Nightcliff

08 8985 2658

Trash and Treasure - The Tip Shop

Shoal Bay Access Road, Shoal Bay

NT Secondhand Store

474 Stuart Hwy, Winnellie NT 0820